Members’ VIP hub: Galaxy Z phones
Client: Samsung
Platform: Web
Responsibilities: Content strategy, user journeys, wireframes
Purpose: To create a benefits hub for owners and potential owners of Samsung’s “Z” line of phones.
I partnered with Samsung’s US marketing team to build a premium hub where customers could explore, get support, and redeem exclusive benefits related to their Z Flip or Z Fold phones. Our audience was Gen Z and Millennial luxury lifestyle enthusiasts, and we attracted them by creating social buzz and placements elsewhere. The program was named “Galaxy Z Premier” as a reflection of the benefits to owning a high end “Z” phone.
My first task was to determine content buckets and organize them into pages that would be easily digested by the user. The categories I landed on were: Highlights, Benefits, Service, and FAQs.
• The Highlights page introduces the program and instructs the user on how they can join “the Z list.”
• The Benefits page contains a rotating collection of partner offers only available to those who buy and register a Z phone.
• The Service page explains exclusive support available only to owners of a Z device.
• And the FAQs page is there to answer additional questions the user may have about the program.
The slide below demonstrates how users would find this hub. Traffic sources come from the Samsung Members app, newsletters, social, and placements within